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Developer House

Sponsored by the OCLC Developer Network, Developer House gathers a small group of library coders together, with support from OCLC technical staff, for five days of innovative development using OCLC Web services.

This event has passed.

The event, which runs from February 3rd – 7th in Dublin, Ohio, promises to immerse participants in a high-intensity but relaxed environment where we can get down to the business of meeting library needs through code…and having a lot of fun while we do it.

Developer House is envisioned as an event longer than a hackathon, where we can carve out time and space away from competing priorities and really sink our teeth into something together with colleagues. The group will begin its work in the Developer House living room, where they’ll decide which ideas to tackle, and then work alongside OCLC technical experts, who will also provide hands on support tailored to the group’s interests.

The only pre-defined outcome for Developer House is time devoted to solving problems for libraries and sharpening coding skills. Solutions can be anything from applications to tutorials to code libraries—anything that supports libraries with code and uses OCLC Web services is fair game – and will be shared with the Developer Network community.

Start Date

03 February 2014

End Date

07 February 2014


Dublin, OH