Engage your borrowers and save time with LendingKey
A 30-minute demonstration of LendingKey—a LoT reservation and management tool that provides simple steps for borrowers and a time-saving process for library staff. Whether you’ve already developed your Library of Things or are just getting started, this session will provide inspiration and valuable tips.
This event is on-demand.
Offering a Library of Things (LoT) to your users is a valuable way to engage with your community. LendingKey is a LoT reservation and management tool that provides simple steps for borrowers and a time-saving process for library staff.
In this session we'll discuss:
- How LendingKey is customized for your library
- Features that make scheduling reservations for your LoT items accurate and easy
- How LendingKey works with your catalog and why having the LoT items separate from your main catalog may be a better option
30 April 2024
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]