“As libraries, and as a library cooperative, we continue to evolve. That is the key to our collective future and shared success.“ –Sandy Yee, Dean of University Libraries & School of Library and Information Science, Wayne State University, Chair, OCLC Board of Trustees

Our cooperative, our future

Collaboration and sharing are core to our community. OCLC members and staff come together to share knowledge in as many ways as possible because we know that, collectively, we can have a greater impact. As a cooperative, we help library users across our communities achieve breakthroughs by fueling research, improving learning and driving innovation.

In FY16, our global membership grew by 52 libraries to 16,964. We expanded into seven new countries—Kenya, Lesotho, Nicaragua, Palestine, Sri Lanka, Tunisia and Vietnam—bringing our global community to 122 countries. Our membership is diverse as well, ranging from rural school and public libraries to the largest government and research libraries.

We found new ways to work together, collaborate and grow, both as individuals and institutions. We came together to elect new representatives to Global Council and our board. We met at member forums and community meetings to discuss challenges, share best practices and improve our services. We celebrated the 45th anniversary of WorldCat and the 500th library to choose WorldShare Management Services. At Regional Council meetings, we explored industry-wide topics and heard from thought leaders from around the globe. We launched a new blog, published important new research and printed the last catalog card. We shared stories of breakthroughs that demonstrate the power of library cooperation. It was a great year.

A year in pictures