
2017 OCLC Research Presentations List

Smart Spaces for Small Libraries

Smart Spaces for Small Libraries

By Betha Gutsche

Association for Rural & Small Libraries
St. George, Utah (USA)

Learn from the dynamic experiences of fifteen small libraries, who re-imagined and reconfigured “smart spaces,” where community members co-create, participate in hands-on learning, and strengthen social connections.

Topics: WebJunction

Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: A Collaborative Effort

Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: A Collaborative Effort

By Lynn Silipigni Connaway

ASIS&T Midwest Regional Conference
Columbus, Ohio (USA)

This presentation covers an agenda for action-based research on student success and how libraries can communicate and collaborate better across the institution about their role in student learning and success.

Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

Advancing the National Digital Platform Survey Findings

Advancing the National Digital Platform Survey Findings

By Kendra Morgan

Indiana Memory DPLAfest
Indianapolis, Indiana (USA)

In this presentation, Morgan shares findings from a national survey that identified the extent of public libraries' efforts to digitize unique collections, the obstacles that prevent digitization, and opportunities to accelerate digitization.

Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: A Collaborative Effort

Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: A Collaborative Effort

By Lynn Silipigni Connaway

83rd IFLA General Conference and Assembly
Wrocław (Poland)

This presentation covers an agenda for action-based research on student success and how libraries can communicate and collaborate better across the institution about their role in student learning and success.

Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

Best Practices for Descriptive Metadata for Web Archiving

Best Practices for Descriptive Metadata for Web Archiving

By Alexis Antracoli, Kate Bowers, Jackie Dooley

Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting
Portland, Oregon (USA)

Dooley and colleagues share their work into best practices for metadata when archiving online materials, drawing from a report that comprehensively advises on these best practices.

Topics: Web Archiving, Metadata

Policy Realities in Research Data Management

Policy Realities in Research Data Management

By Heidi Imker, Jacquelijn Ringersma

This webinar complements the four-part series of reports by OCLC Research titled The Realities of Research Data Management, in which findings are based on case studies of four institutions, including the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Wageningen University & Research.

Topics: Research Data Management, Works in Progress

DSS Cover Slide

We Have Never Been Neutral: Search, Discovery, and the Politics of Access

By Dr. Kimberly Christen

Dr. Christen addressed the concept that library and archive practices are neutral and non-biased, traced the often violent histories of collecting and the construction of the public domain, unpacked their connections to the foundations of libraries and archives, and opened a space to provide a framework for ethical engagements and reciprocal practices through culturally responsive tools and engagements.

Topics: Distinguished Seminar Series

More Accurately Measuring Item Downloads from Institutional Repositories

More Accurately Measuring Item Downloads from Institutional Repositories (video)

By Kenning Arlitsch, Jeff Mixter

Researchers from Montana State University, OCLC Research, the University of New Mexico, and the Association of Research Libraries have developed a new web service that accurately measures item downloads from institutional repositories. In this webinar, presenters provide a look at the web service called RAMP (Repository Analytics and Metrics Portal), which represents a dramatic improvement in web analytics.

Topics: Research Data Management, Works in Progress

BIBFRAME and OCLC Works: Defining Models and Discovering Evidence

BIBFRAME and OCLC Works: Defining Models and Discovering Evidence

By Carol Jean Godby and Diane Vizine-Goetz

ALA Annual Conference
Chicago, Illinois (USA)

Find out how OCLC researchers are acting on a request from the Library of Congress to align OCLC Works with BIBFRAME works within the larger context of two Program for Cooperative Cataloging Task Groups.

Topics: Linked Data

Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research

Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research

By Lynn Silipigni Connaway, William Harvey, Vanessa Kitzie, Stephanie Mikitish

ALA Annual Conference
Chicago, Illinois (USA)

An OCLC Research team shares their work on exploring how academic libraries demonstrate alignment with and impact on institutional outcomes.

Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: Findings from an Action-oriented Research Agenda

Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: Findings from an Action-oriented Research Agenda

By Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Alan Carbery

ACRL Leadership Council and Membership Meeting
Chicago, Illinois (USA)

Learn about a project initiated by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and led by OCLC Research to identify specific themes and trends related to the current state of library value studies and connect them to student learning and success, create a research agenda, and more.

Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas

FAST Update

FAST Update

By Eric Childress

ALA Annual Conference
Chicago, Illinois (USA)

In this presentation, Childress provides an update on FAST and WorldCat.

Topics: FAST

"Is it a journal title, or what?" Mitigating Microaggressions in Virtual Reference

"Is it a journal title, or what?" Mitigating Microaggressions in Virtual Reference

By Marie L. Radford, Vanessa Kitzie, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Diana Floegel

ALA Annual Conference
Chicago, Illinois (USA)

Learn how researchers explored how microaggressions can occur in virtual reference and how librarians can mitigate microaggressions in their practice.

Topics: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Information Literacy

Challenges of Multilingualism

Challenges of Multilingualism

By Karen Smith-Yoshimura

Visualizing Digital Humanities workshop
Lorentz Center, Leiden, (The Netherlands)

Learn from Smith-Yoshimura about challenges of translations in WorldCat, including different writing systems, different transliterations, the pitfalls of metadata, as well as opportunities of linked data.

Topics: Linked Data

Data Designed for Discovery

Data Designed for Discovery

By Roy Tennant

International Association of University Libraries Conference
Bolzano, (Italy)

Tennant provides a research perspective on data designed for discovery and how linked data can solve current issues.


Topics: Linked Data

Best Practices for Descriptive Metadata

Best Practices for Descriptive Metadata

By Alexis Antracoli, Karen Stoll Farrell, Jackie Dooley

International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC) Web Archiving Conference
London (UK)

Learn about how web archives are being used, the issues with discoverability, and best practices for web archiving descriptive metadata that are community-neutral and standards-neutral.

Topics: Metadata, Web Archiving