REALM Project

Archives, Libraries,
and Museums

Understanding the project

Resources > Understanding the project

An overview of REALM project goals and scope. 


REALM for Museums

Updated: 19 December 2020

Review the scope of the REALM project, the "known and unknowns" about COVID-19, and materials which have been tested by the project and are relevant to museums.


Introduction to the REALM project (video)

Updated: 17 December 2020

Get an inside look at REALM goals, roles, and activities as told by project team members from IMLS, OCLC, and Battelle.


REALM 101: An introduction to COVID-19 and the project

Updated:19 December 2020

An overview of the project purpose, what we know about COVID-19, as well as the "known unknowns," and the testing process being used for REALM.