Authority records for 20141217

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nb 98059546
Old: 100 1 Adams, Tom, ‡d 1938-
New: 100 1 Adams, Tom, ‡d 1938-2014

Old: 100 1 Hembe, Godwin Nyor, ‡d 1944-
New: 100 1 Hembe, Godwin Nyor, ‡d 1944-2008

Old: 100 1 Hilton, H. H. ‡q (Henry Hoyt), ‡d 1905-
New: 100 1 Hilton, H. H., ‡c Jr. ‡q (Henry Hoyt), ‡d 1905-1965

n 90623969
Old: 100 1 Johnson, Frederic D. ‡q (Frederic Duane), ‡d 1925-
New: 100 1 Johnson, Frederic D. ‡q (Frederic Duane), ‡d 1925-2014

Old: 100 1 Marvin, Cloyd H. ‡q (Cloyd Heck), ‡d 1889-
New: 100 1 Marvin, Cloyd H. ‡q (Cloyd Heck), ‡d 1889-1969

n 85124931
Old: 100 1 Matsubayashi, Shūe, ‡d 1920-
New: 100 1 Matsubayashi, Shūe, ‡d 1920-2009

Old: 100 1 McGillivray, W. A. ‡q (William Anderson), ‡d 1920-
New: 100 1 McGillivray, W. A. ‡q (William Anderson), ‡d 1920-1995

n 89644000
Old: 100 1 Oakley, Robert B., ‡d 1931-
New: 100 1 Oakley, Robert B., ‡d 1931-2014

Old: 100 1 Stewart, Sheila, ‡d 1937-
New: 100 1 Stewart, Sheila, ‡d 1935-2014