Configuring and Testing OAICatMuseum with a sample MySQL database using JDBC These notes describe how to configure and test the OAICatMuseum repository application with a sample MySQL database using JDBC. These instructions are intended to establish a baseline Tomcat/MySQL configuration and confirm that JDBC access is available from the OAICatMuseum application. - Setup a Tomcat server Download, install, and test Tomcat. Download from Detailed installation instructions can be found at; for Mac OS X detailed instructions are at - Install a MySQL server The MySQL Community Server software can be downloaded from Your MySQL server installation must be on a system that is accessible from the OAICatMuseum Tomcat server. - Create a sample MySQL database A sample database can be created from a database dump file named oaicatdb.sql, available along with the OAICatMuseum distribution from OCLC. It can be imported as a new database in your MySQL server; it will define the required tables and load sample records and associated sets. For example, to create a database named oaicatdb: mysqladmin –u [user] -p create oaicatdb then import the .sql file to create tables and add values: mysql -u [user] -p oaicatdb < oaicatdb.sql - Download and install the OAICatMuseum application Copy the oaicatmuseum.war file distributed by OCLC to the Tomcat server's webapps folder, then restart the Tomcat server. After restarting, the application files should be found in Tomcat's webapps/oaicatmuseum folder. - Install a MySQL JDBC Driver The preferred JDBC Driver is "Connector/J", which can be downloaded free of charge from and used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. Once downloaded, you should have a Java Archive (.jar) file for the Connector/J driver, e.g., "mysql-connector-java-5.1.6-bin.jar". Copy it to the common/lib folder of your Tomcat server. Restart the Tomcat server for the MySQL driver to be recognized. - Configure Settings for your installation of OAICatMuseum are made in the file, found in the oaicatmuseum/WEB-INF/classes folder. After making a backup copy of the file, make these changes to logon to your MySQL server and locate your database: 1. Change JDBCLimitedOAICatalog.jdbcURL to the path to your MySQL database, e.g., jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/oaicatdb (you’ll need to set the hostname, port, and database name to match your MySQL Server and database) 2. Change JDBCLimitedOAICatalog.jdbcLogin to the username for your MySQL server 3. Change JDBCLimitedOAICatalog.jdbcPasswd to the password for your MySQL server The OAI-PMH standard requires that data is delivered in UTF-8. If your MySQL data is encoded in Latin-1, the OAICatMuseum application can automatically transform it to UTF-8. In that case, change this setting to "1": JDBCOAICatalog.latin1 In addition, you should edit these properties: 1. Identify.repositoryName – A title for your repository 2. Identify.adminEmail – The email address of a contact person 3. Identify.earliestDatestamp - Set to the earliest datestamp in your collection 4. Identify.description – Description details about your collection. In particular, you should modify the repositoryIdentifier and sampleIdentifier fields to include a unique identifier for your institution, rather than the default value - Reconfiguring for LIDO XML An alternative version of the configuration file for export of LIDO XML is in the file found in the oaicatmuseum/WEB-INF/classes folder. After making a backup copy of the file, replace it with the file's contents, and then proceed with the other property file changes described above. - Restart and Test Once all the JDBC driver, Tomcat, OAICat, and MySQL changes have been made, restart TomCat, start the MySQL server, and begin testing access to the database. The "index.html" file in the OAICatMuseum Tomcat root directory provides an interface to various OAI-PMH commands. For those requests that require a metadata prefix to be supplied, use "oai_dc", "cdwalite" or "lido". For example, test the OAI-PMH Identify response with http://localhost:8080/oaicatmuseum/identify.html if you have installed Tomcat on the same machine as your web client and are using port 8080 for Tomcat; otherwise, test it at http://DOMAIN:PORT/oaicatmuseum/identify.html where "DOMAIN" is the domain name or IP address of your server and PORT is its port address for Tomcat, if not the default http port (80).